Monthly Rhyme from Twiglet's book: "March in in, the winds begin!" Twiglet, the Little Christmas Tree Copyright 2003 by Phyllis and Janey Fisher.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


The rough

draft was started

the day after Thanksgiving 2001.

Sam came over to our house

while we set up and decorated

our Christmas tree!!! That’s when Sam Richardson

got an idea!!! He set the scene, added a few

characters, and lost a seed in three sentences!!!

He then asked the rest of us to write

a few lines each!! We all thought Sam’s “Well”

was too funny, so we continued to use it throughout the story!

He wanted a monkey in the story, too!!!

Anthony Wayne McAnally (youngest son of Janey Loree), in two

paragraphs found the seed, added horses to the story, and lost the seed,

again!!! He helped with the horse facts! Travis Lee McAnally

(Janey Loree’s oldest son), suggested that the tree have

a white top-notch for easy detection & helped with the horse facts!

Also, the clock chiming and making placemats were Travis’ ideas.

Phyllis Mae Richardson-Fisher (Sam’s first cousin), wrote

the rest of the story and has plans for a sequel!!! (even though Sam said he

did not want a run away!!!) Some of that stubborn Richardson

DNA showing!!! In addition, Phyllis Mae illustrated the story.

The neighbor with the red REO delivery truck was contributed by George Harvey Fisher

(Phyllis’ husband). Also, he helped edit the story, and gave moral support!!!

George was the carpenter for the office shelves, small art boards and table extensions.

Douglas Wayne Fisher (George & Phyllis’ son), wanted Twiglet to be a welder,

so we added “Smithy” the blacksmith, ferrier, and livery owner!!!

Doug drew the red truck at age 15.





ter of

George and Phyllis), compiled, typed,

edited, and proofread the story.

Phyllis and Janey designed the

book. After months of work

this story is complete!!!

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